环境问题是一个全球性问题 ,也是我国经济与社会发展所面临的一个非常重要的问题。环境资源法学这一新兴学科正是在这一大背景下得到迅速发展的。今天 ,我们有幸约请了学界知名的专家学者与崭露头角的新秀 ,就 2 1世纪环境资源法的前沿问题各抒己见。包括 :环境权与环境义务问题 ;新世纪应当重点研究的若干国际资源法问题 ;“绿色”民法典的制定问题 ;WTO与环境法问题 ;可持续发展与法律变革问题 ;公众参与与环境保护问题 ;环境恢复与再生时代和环境立法问题 ;环境法与生态伦理问题等等 ,对于这些问题 ,专家学者们阐述了不同的甚至是对立的观点 ,相信通过这种思想的碰撞 ,会将问题的研究引向深入。
Environmental issues are a global issue and also a very important issue for our economic and social development. It is against this backdrop that the rapid development of this emerging discipline of environmental law of resources. Today, we are fortunate to have invited well-known experts and scholars in academia and rookie emergents to express their opinions on the frontier issue of Environmental Resources Law in the 21st century. Including: the issue of environmental rights and environmental obligations; several international resource law issues that should be emphatically studied in the new century; the formulation of “green” civil code; the issue of WTO and environmental law; the issue of sustainable development and law reform; the issue of public participation and environmental protection ; Environmental restoration and regeneration era and environmental legislation issues; environmental law and ecological ethics issues, etc., for these issues, experts and scholars elaborated different or even opposing views, I believe that through the collision of ideas, the problem will be studied Lead in.