Bory等将非心源性因素而由食管病变所致的心前区疼痛称为“假性心绞痛”。有时也伴有心电图异常。近年来由于心脏及食管病变检测手段的发展,使假性心绞痛渐被人们认清,临床价值也不断提高。 发病情况及病理机制 Ockene统计约有10~30%心绞痛样胸痛病人的冠脉造影正常。Blackwell认为心脏门诊或冠心病监护病人中10~30%无缺血性心脏病,20%冠脉造影显示正常或仅轻微损害但与症状无关。Dvaies发现在77例因心绞痛而急诊入院的病人中,20%有食管压力异常的证据。Kline报告16例有心绞痛
Bory and other non-cardiac factors caused by esophageal anorectal pain known as “pseudo-angina.” Sometimes accompanied by abnormal ECG. In recent years, due to the development of heart and esophageal lesion detection means, the false angina gradually gets recognized and the clinical value has been continuously improved. Occurrence and pathology Ockene statistics about 10 to 30% of angina patients with chest pain in patients with normal coronary angiography. Blackwell believes 10 to 30% of patients in cardiology or CHD have no ischemic heart disease, 20% of whom show normal or minimal damage but have nothing to do with symptoms. Dvaies found evidence of esophageal pressure abnormalities in 20% of 77 patients admitted for emergency angina pectoris. Kline reported angina in 16 patients