Relation of the infrasound characteristics and the continuous steel bridge vibration modes generated

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuantao22222
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As heavy trucks pass over highway bridges, bridge vibration occurs and generates infrasound. General trucks in Japan with rear leaf suspension have whole body vibration (suspension spring vibration) frequencies of about 3 Hz. Also, the frequencies of the wheel vibration (tire spring vibration) are about 10-20 Hz. The continuous steel highway bridges with middle span length have vibration modes with the same phase in each span at the frequencies of about 3 Hz and also have those with the secondary mode shape at the frequencies of about 10-20 Hz. Truck vibrations and bridge vibrations are closely related. In this work, vibration tests are conducted using a heavy test truck for two cases of infrasound complaints in order to investigate the relation between the continuous steel bridge vibration modes generated by the vibration of moving heavy trucks and its infrasound characteristics. As a result of the examination, two types of bridge vibration modes are caused by the vibrations of a moving heavy truck. Moreover, the bending vibration modes with the same phase in each span have the most powerful infrasound pressure, since each span vibrates with the same phase. Two countermeasures, including viscoelastic damper at the end of the girders and extended deck method, are proposed to reduce the amplitude of bridge vibration and its infrasound. As heavy trucks pass over highway bridges, bridge vibration occurs and generated infrasound. General trucks in Japan with rear leaf suspension have whole body vibration (suspension spring vibration) frequencies of about 3 Hz. Also, the frequencies of the wheel vibration (tire spring vibration The continuous steel highway bridges with middle span length have vibration modes with the same phase in each span at the frequencies of about 3 Hz and also with those with the secondary mode shape at the frequencies of about 10- In this work, vibration tests are conducted using a heavy test truck for two cases of infrasound complaints in order to investigate the relation between the continuous steel bridge vibration modes generated by the vibration of moving heavy trucks and its infrasound characteristics. As a result of the examination, two types of bridge vibration modes are caused by the vibrations of a movi ng heavy truck. Moreover, the bending vibration modes with the same phase in each span have the most powerful infrasound pressure, since each span vibrates with the same phase. Two countermeasures, including viscoelastic damper at the end of the girders and extended deck method, are proposed to reduce the amplitude of bridge vibration and its infrasound.
Editor’s note: Of late, some scholars at home and abroad have presented or played up the notion that China is about to collapse, arousing a good deal of reacti
语文能力一般公认为听话、说话、阅读、写作四大要素。写作是语文素质教育的重点,是基础中的基础。它既可反映出学生语言文字方面的能力,又能反映出学生的思维和价值取向。写作也是语文素质教育的难点,学生怕写,教师怕教,乃至形成一种对写作的恐惧症。许多人寒窗十余载,作文百儿八十篇,毕业后踏上社会,却往往写不成一篇像样的文章。  刘半农在五四时期就意识到中学作文教学脱离实际生活的问题,他在《应用文之教授》一文中
摘要:实践教学在高职教育中具有举足轻重的地位,实训基地建设和管理的水平直接影响着实践教学的开展和效果。本文深入剖析了实训基地建设与管理过程中面临的问题和原因,并从规划、建设、管理和实训教学等方面提出了相应的对策。  关键词:实训基地;实训设备;实践教学  作者简介:汤欣(1969-),女,江苏常州人,常州旅游商贸高等职业技术学校实训处,中学高级教师,主要研究方向:教育管理。  (江苏 常州 213