1.定植及幼树管理。 株行距1.3×0.8m,沿定植行挖宽、深各60cm的栽植沟,按每亩施入5000公斤优质厩肥的标准,将土与厩肥掺匀后填入定植沟,并浇水使回填土下沉踏实。定植时,先将营养钵苗放入穴内,撕掉钵袋,注意不要散坨,封土高于苗木原土痕1—2cm,浇水踏实后使其与地面相平。在8月底前追施尿素2—3次,每次株追50—100g,也可结合防病喷药,用0.3%的尿素多次根外追肥。然后,每隔15天用0.3%的磷酸二氢钾液喷打叶面一次。追肥时,要视墒情适时适量浇水。进入9月份要控水(不旱不浇)蹲苗,并每亩秋施基肥5000公斤,促使枝蔓成熟,芽体饱满。
1. Colonization and sapling management. Plant spacing 1.3 × 0.8m, along the planting line to dig width, depth of 60cm planted ditch, according to 5000 acres of high-quality manure applied to the standard, the soil and manure mixed into the planting ditches, and water backfill soil Sink down practical. Colonization, the first bowl of nutrition seedlings into the hole, tearing off the bowl pocket, pay attention not to lump, the soil is higher than the seedling soil marks 1-2cm, watering down to make it flat with the ground. In the end of August topdressing urea 2-3 times, each strain chase 50-100g, can also be combined with anti-epidemic spraying, with 0.3% urea multiple root top dressing. Then, the foliage is sprayed once with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate every 15 days. Top dressing, depending on the appropriate amount of water, timely watering. Into September to control the water (not dry not pouring) Dunmiao, and per acre autumn base fertilizer 5,000 kilograms, prompting the branch vine mature, bud full.