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近年来,“留守儿童”、“网瘾”、“问题少年”、“早恋早孕”等成为我国未成年教育的难点,未成年人犯罪也呈逐年上升趋势。教育、司法等社会各界人士在深入探究这一社会问题产生的渊薮时,总会殊途同归地发现这类人群均不同程度地存在着家庭教育的缺位或失范。我国的家庭教育历史悠久,并形成了中国古代独具特色的以家训为代表的家庭教育形式。魏晋南北朝时期的颜之推是我国古代家庭教育理论的集大成者,著家训七卷二十篇,称《颜氏家训》,是我国现存最早的家庭教育专著,也是我国古代 In recent years, “left behind children ”, “addiction ”, “problem juvenile ”, “puppy love early pregnancy ” has become the difficulty of our country’s underage education, juvenile delinquency also showed year by year upward trend. When people from all walks of life such as education and judiciary deeply explore the deep roots of this social problem, they all find that such people are, to a certain extent, lacking or losing normal family education. Family education in our country has a long history and forms the form of family education represented by the family motto, which was unique in ancient China. In the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yan Zhitui is the master of ancient family education theory in our country. He wrote seven volumes of twenty books, called “Family Instructions of Yan Clan”, which is the earliest earliest family education monograph in our country
【教学目标】  1.借助多种感官,观察棒棒糖的形、色、味等,学习基本的观察方法。  2.将自己的发现告诉同伴,并注意倾听同伴的发现,交流时做到态度自然大方,表达流畅准确。  3.完成“观外形”或“尝味道”片段描写,在展评、修改中将现场观察发现写得具体、生动、有条理。  【设计理念】  观察是小学阶段学生收集写作素材最主要的方式,因此,观察的质量在很大程度上决定着文章的品质。一个人的观察力不是与生俱
Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings.  “Look,” said the elder brother, “How nice these paintings are!”  “Yes,” said the younger, “but in all these paintings there is only the mother a