
来源 :中国药物滥用防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanxueguan55
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目的:了解宁波地区海洛因依赖者丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染情况及其影响因素。方法:于2007年6月―9月对宁波地区114例海洛因依赖者进行问卷调查,调查内容包括社会人口学、毒品使用、共用注射器静脉吸毒以及安全套使用情况等,同时采集血样进行HCV抗体检测。结果:在114例海洛因依赖者中,HCV感染率为71.1%。HCV感染与年龄、吸毒时间、吸毒方式及共用注射器有关。年龄在28岁以下的感染率为78.1%,吸毒时间在5年以上的感染率为81.8%,静脉注射吸毒的感染率为77.8%,共用注射器吸毒的感染率为87.7%。结论:近年来,宁波地区海洛因依赖者HCV感染率显著上升,应该在该地区进一步加大干预工作的力度以控制HCV的传播。 Objective: To understand the hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its influencing factors in heroin dependent patients in Ningbo. Methods: A total of 114 cases of heroin addicts in Ningbo area were surveyed from June to September 2007. The survey included social demography, drug use, intravenous drug use in syringes, and condom use. Meanwhile, blood samples were collected for HCV antibody testing. Results: Of the 114 heroin addicts, HCV infection was 71.1%. HCV infection and age, drug use time, drug use and share syringes related. The infection rate was 78.1% for those under the age of 28, 81.8% for those who took the drug for more than five years, 77.8% for intravenous drug use, and 87.7% for those sharing syringes. Conclusions: In recent years, the HCV infection rate of heroin addicts in Ningbo has risen significantly. Therefore, efforts should be made to further intervene in this area to control the spread of HCV.
嘉琳推荐:最普通的三人情感秘密,却像一个火把悄悄为每个人提供着能量。这样的烈火,考验了友情,也考验了爱情。  [0]  这个故事必须在安静的夜里悄悄地说,因为直到现在,它还是一个秘密。  [1]  故事的开始是一件不能再简单的事,那就是,阿句喜欢秦雨。  这件事只有阿句自己知道,就连跟他最要好的同桌林海,阿句也没有说过。他甚至从来就没有想过要告诉秦雨,他只想让这个秘密,安安静静地埋藏在心里,而不必