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废墟的魅力乃夫编者按:本文提出了一个十分重要的问题,那就是古代建筑的保护性修复中,是修古复古呢?还是修古造新呢?那种破坏古文物、古建筑原有风貌的修建实际上是种对古文物、古建筑的破坏,是一种劳民伤财性的破坏。此种情况很值得引起有关部门的重视喜欢游玩的我... The Charm of the Ruins Nafu Editor’s Note: This article presents a very important question, that is, the ancient building of the protective repair, it is ancient repair it? Or repair ancient make new? That destruction of ancient relics, the original style of the ancient building construction is actually a kind of destruction of ancient relics, ancient buildings, is a kind of labor-injury damage to the economy. This situation is worth the attention of the relevant departments like to play with me ...