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昆虫作证难怪有关法医们对记者提到的几桩案子仍记忆犹新。确实,那是一个个怎样的尸检现场啊!1998年10月的一天,北京市区某偏僻处的一垃圾堆上,一大群翅膀发亮、肥胖油腻的苍蝇密密麻麻地附在上面,那股恶臭实在太难闻了。清理开碎石瓦片和各种生活垃圾,一具爬满了蠕动的蛆虫的男尸呈现在办案人员面前。尸体已高度腐烂,惯常通过尸斑、尸僵、尸绿等测定死亡时间的方法已毫无意义,但尽快确定 It is no wonder that insects testify about the few cases the forensic mentions to reporters. Indeed, that is what kind of autopsy site ah! One day in October 1998, Beijing city in a remote garbage pile, a large group of wings shiny, greasy greasy flies densely attached to the top, the stink It’s so bad. Clean open broken tiles and a variety of household garbage, a crawling maggots creeping man appeared in front of investigators. The body has been highly decayed, the usual method of determining the time of death through dead spots, deadlock, dead green, etc. is meaningless but as soon as possible
南北朝时候,有个叫裴昭明的人,在桂林当市长(始安太守),后来三年任满,回京交差,他的老板齐武帝问他:“现在你手上有几套房?”裴昭明说:“报告皇上,一套也没有。”齐武帝不信,派人去调查,果然是一套都没有。齐武帝很感慨,对别的官员说:“裴昭明做几年市长,竟然没给自己弄一套房子,像这样的清官,现在上哪儿去找啊!”  其实裴昭明不是个案,还有一个人也是在南北朝,名叫孙谦。孙谦从东晋时就开始做官,然后历经宋