目的 了解产科头盆不称的诊断正确率。方法 对诊断为头盆不称而施行剖宫产手术者 10 8例进行分析。结果 82例处理正确 ,诊断正确率为 76 % ;另外 2 6例中过早诊断头盆不称者 6例 ,在产程中因观察处理不当诊断相对性头盆不称者 2 0例。结论 在产程中及时正确地诊断头盆不称 ,并允许其进行充分的试产 ,在观察产程中予以正确地处理 ,是降低剖宫产率提高产科质量的关键。
Objective To understand the diagnosis accuracy of obstetric hypersensitivity. Methods One hundred and eight cases of cesarean section who were diagnosed as having unexplained head basin were analyzed. Results 82 cases were correctly treated and the diagnostic accuracy was 76%. In another 26 cases, 6 cases were diagnosed as having underexplosive in the basin early and 20 cases were diagnosed as having underexposure due to improper observation during labor. Conclusions It is the key to reduce the rate of cesarean section and improve the quality of obstetrics by timely and correctly diagnosing the cephalopelvic disproportion in the labor process and allowing it to be fully trial-produced and correctly observed in the labor process.