在交流电焊机上安裝这种自动开关,只要工作暫时停頓,电源开关就自动断开。另外,当更换焊条等时,焊接中断的时間在一分鐘以內,电焊机仍然照常供电。附图是这种自动开关的綫路图,其中包括下列零件:1) 电磁吸力开关,具有线图C_3和触头S_1S_2S_3S_4S_5,除S_1S_2是220伏100安外,其他都是5安。2) 交流繼电器綫圈C_1和触头T_1,流过綫圈的电流超过2安时,触头T_1
In the AC welder to install this automatic switch, as long as the work temporarily suspended, the power switch is automatically disconnected. In addition, when the replacement of electrodes, etc., the interruption of welding time of less than one minute, the welder still power supply. The figure is a circuit diagram of such an automatic switch which includes the following parts: 1) Electromagnetic switch, with line C_3 and contacts S_1S_2S_3S_4S_5, except that S_1S_2 is 220V 100A and all others are 5A. 2) AC relay coil C_1 and the contact T_1, the current flowing through the coil exceeds 2 A, the contact T_1