职业枯竭(Job Burnout,亦译为工作倦怠)是职业压力的极端状态。一般认为,职业枯竭是个体不能顺利应对工作压力时的一种极端反应,是个体伴随于长时期压力体验下而产生的情感、态度和行为的衰竭状态。职业枯竭的研究始自于美国临床心理学家弗鲁顿伯格(H.J.Freudenberger)和美国的社会心理学家马斯拉奇(Maslach)等人,当时主要基于那些在服务业及医疗领域人们的经历,因为这些职业属于情绪性工作(Emotional Work),具有较多的人际压力源存在,长年
Job Burnout is also an extreme condition of occupational stress. It is generally believed that job burnout is an extreme reaction when an individual can not cope with work pressure smoothly and is an exhaustion state of an individual’s feelings, attitudes and behaviors accompanying prolonged stressful experience. The study of occupational exhaustion began with HJ Freudenberger, a clinical psychologist in the United States, and Maslach, a social psychologist in the United States. At that time, it was mainly based on those people in the service and medical fields Experience, because these occupations are emotional work (Emotional Work), with more interpersonal stressors exist for many years