患者男 ,2 5岁 ,蒙古族 ,从事放牧工作。因“右中腹部渐增性包块 2月余”就诊。查体 :右中腹可触及一约 4cm× 5cm× 5cm大小包块 ,质硬 ,表面光滑 ,活动度差 ,压痛明显。腹部B超 :于右中腹部探及 7.1cm× 4.2cm ,4.3cm× 4.0cm的无回声区 ,壁厚 ,边界清晰 ,形
Male patient, 25 years old, Mongolian, engaged in grazing work. Due to the “right middle abdomen more than 2 months of mass” treatment. Physical examination: the right middle abdomen can reach a size of about 4cm × 5cm × 5cm mass, hard, smooth surface, poor mobility, tenderness significantly. Abdominal B ultrasound: in the right middle abdomen exploration and 7.1cm × 4.2cm, 4.3cm × 4.0cm anechoic zone, wall thickness, clear boundary shape