栏目简介:当今足坛,群星闪耀。他们或是威猛彪悍,或是高大英俊,但 是球技精湛绝伦是他们的共同特征,而与众不同的鲜明个性也往往让他们成为 众矢之的。他们是一群特殊的人,他们的一举一动,一颦一笑都有可能引来无 数关注的目光。在星闻聊天室这个栏目中,我们将每期推出一位当今足坛炙手 可热的球星,就他们几个突出的特点或是方众聚焦的敏感话题采集来自各方观 点,为大家奉上一道精心制做的水果拼盘。味道如何,还期待着大家的宝贵意 见。本栏目的信箱:fbw_diz@vip.163.com
Section Description: Today’s football, stars shine. They are either sturdy, tall or handsome, but their superb skills are their common denominator, and distinctive distinctive personalities often make them the targets of public criticism. They are a group of special people, their every move, smile at one’s time are likely to attract the attention of countless attention. In this section of Xingwen chat room, we will launch a hot issue of football today, each one of the highlights of their prominent features or Fangzong focus on sensitive topics collected from all sides for everyone to offer a meticulous Made of fruit platter. How to taste, but also look forward to everyone’s valuable advice. This section of the mailbox: fbw_diz@vip.163.com