考生注意: 1.试题分两卷,同时分发。全卷在二小时三十分钟内完成,中间不休息。 2.这份试题共六道大题,满分120分。 3.每份试题附一份答题卷,第一卷第一题(即选择题)的解答必须答在答题卷上。解答选择题时,按所选的答案,用铅笔在答题卷的相应位置上涂黑。 4.考生必须先解答第一卷的第一题,并在七十分钟内答完。监考员将在考试开始后七十分钟时前往收取答题卷。
Candidates Note: 1. The questions are divided into two volumes and distributed at the same time. The full volume is completed in two hours and thirty minutes with no rest in the middle. 2. This question has a total of six topics, out of 120 points. 3. Each question is accompanied by a question answer sheet. The answer to the first question (ie, the multiple choice question) in the first volume must be answered on the answer sheet. When answering a multiple-choice question, press the selected answer and use the pencil to blacken the corresponding position in the answer sheet. 4. Candidates must first answer the first question in the first volume and answer it within 70 minutes. The invigilator will go to collect the answer sheet 70 minutes after the exam begins.