管理创新 增产增效——辽河油田锦州采油厂确保老油田持续稳产高效开发

来源 :中国石油 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyishijian
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锦州采油厂所辖欢西油田1979年投入开发,稀油生产进入双高期,综合含水96%;稠油占总产量的76%,生产进入高轮次吞吐阶段。已生产出可采储量的75.9%,油田进入开发的中后期。 为了使以稠油为主的老区采油厂焕发青春活力,我们彻底转变决策观念,真正打破传统思维定式,从研究地下入手,优化投资结构和资源、资产配置,在依靠科技创新和科学化管理上下功夫,在变革传统开发生产模式和生产管理方式上做文章,促进了经营管理水平和经济效益的同步大幅度提高。3年共完成原油产量700.59万吨,超产47.59万吨;完成综合商品量639.58万吨,超额47.57万吨;上缴内部利润5.124亿元,超额1.457亿元;吨油可变成本从1996年的254元/吨下降到208元/吨,降幅为18.3%。今年上半年,由于投资、成本控 The Jinxi Oil Production Plant under the jurisdiction of Huanxi Oilfield put into development in 1979, into a double high oil production, integrated water 96%; heavy oil accounted for 76% of the total production, production into the high round of throughput phase. Has produced recoverable reserves of 75.9%, the oil and gas fields into the development of the late. In order to rejuvenate the oil recovery plant in the old oil-dominated area, we have completely changed the concept of decision-making and truly broken the traditional mindset. Starting from studying the underground, optimizing the investment structure, resources and asset allocation, we rely on scientific and technological innovation and scientific management Kung Fu, in the transformation of the traditional development and production mode and production management to make a fuss about the promotion of the level of management and economic efficiency greatly improved the synchronization. 3 years completed a total of 7,059,900 tons of crude oil production, 479,900 tons of over-output; completed the integrated commodity volume of 6,395,800 tons, an excess of 477,500 tons; turned over to the internal profit of 5,124 million yuan, an excess of 145.7 million yuan; tons of oil variable costs from 1996 254 yuan / ton down to 208 yuan / ton, a decrease of 18.3%. In the first half of this year, due to investment, cost control
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