一、切取时间应根据花卉的生长、开花习性选择恰当的时期切取。对于观花类花卉来说 ,通常是在花朵含苞欲放时或半开时于清晨切取。如唐菖蒲 ,应在花朵自下往上逐步开放且最下端的一朵花已完全开放后切取。切取香石竹时应在花朵初开且带60厘米的茎剪下。但有的花卉不能在花朵
First, cut the time should be based on the growth of flowers, flowering habits choose the right cut. For ornamental flowers, it is usually cut in the early morning when the flower is covered in a bud or half open. Such as gladiolus, flowers should be gradually open from bottom to top and the bottom of a flower has been fully open cut. Carnation cut should be early in the flowers and cut with 60 cm stems. But some flowers can not be in flowers