US President Barack Obama’s full confidence in Silicon Valley employment situation is not groundless. According to a survey conducted by Federal Labor Department officials, the high-tech companies in Northern California gathered in Silicon Valley in 2012, which is the largest increase in the employment rate in the major metropolitan centers nationwide Fast. According to a report released by the Federal Department of Labor, Santa Clara County, where Silicon Valley is located, had an increase of 3.3 per 1,000 jobs in the past year as of April 2013, ranking first among all major metropolitan centers in the country. Ranked second in the Houston area of Texas, employment growth for the non-farm population was 3.1 ‰ during the 12-month period in 2012. The high-income temptation The financial crisis has made it difficult for American college students to find jobs, but the employment situation in Silicon Valley remains the same today Thriving: not only the traditional computer