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在去峄州港的路上,“山东峄州港,航运新码头”的广告语醒目可见。这个横空出世的新港口位于枣庄峄城区古邵镇京杭大运河畔,南连苏杭,北接东平湖,东望连云港,西面则是徐州的贾汪经济开发区。历史的墨笔,曾经在中国的版图上勾出浓重的一划,这一划就是京杭大运河。它的诞生,成就了中国唐宋元明清五朝鼎盛繁荣的局面。直到今天,大运河的地位也非常重要,依旧承担着东部省份大宗物资南北运输的重要使命。 On the way to the port of Zhuozhou, “” Shandong Zhuozhou port, shipping new terminal "slogan prominently visible. This new born port is located along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Gu Shao Town, Xuncheng District, Zaozhuang City, to the east of Suzhou and Hangzhou, to the east of Dongping Lake and to the east of Lianyungang and to the west of Jiawang Economic Development Zone of Xuzhou. The history of pen, once in China’s territory on the outline of a thick plan, this plan is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Its birth, the success of China’s Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties prosperous prosperity. Until today, the status of the Grand Canal is also very important, still bear the important mission of the north-south transportation of bulk goods in the eastern provinces.