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我县“八山一水一分田”的实际,决定了罗田发展的潜力在山,致富的希望在山。现在山已经绿了,下一步的关键是要富山。因此,林业工作的战略重点要适时转移到调整优化林业结构,兴办绿色产业,发展高效林业,走基地加工和贸工林一体化的路子上来。在指导思想上要坚持以改革为动力,以市场为导,以科技为保证,以提高经济效益为中心,实现各生产要素最佳配置,以优化第一产业为基础,以大力发展林产工业和山区资源加工为龙头,以森林旅游等第三产业为辅助,使一、二、三产业协调发展,最大限度地发挥林 My county “Eight mountains and one water a field ” actual, decided Luotian development potential in the mountains, hope of getting rich in the mountains. Now that the mountain is green, the next step is to Toyama. Therefore, the strategic focus of forestry work should be timely transferred to the adjustment and optimization of forestry structure, the establishment of green industries, the development of efficient forestry, take the base processing and Trade and Industry forest integration path up. In the guiding ideology, we must persist in taking reform as the driving force, taking the market as the guide, science and technology as the guarantee, and improving economic efficiency as the center, realizing the optimal allocation of the factors of production, optimizing the primary industry, vigorously developing the forest products industry and Mountain resource processing as a leader, the tertiary industry such as forest tourism as a secondary, so that the first, second and tertiary industries coordinated development, to maximize the forest
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《黑龙江省森林病虫害防治实施办法》经省人民政府审议通过,现予发布,自一九九七年十二月一日起施行。 The Measures for the Implementation of Forest Disease and Pest
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