桩工机械行业2011年会从2011年第二季度开始的行业下滑给工程机械行业的销售带来了沉重的打击,而在工程机械各产品中,受影响最大的则是以旋挖钻机为龙头的桩工机械行业,称其为“重灾区”毫不为过。有的朋友用一个段子来形容201 1年桩工机械行业的市场形势:第一季度坐着挣钱,第二季度躺着数钱,第三季度跑着找钱,第四季度跪着要钱。经历了第一季度异常火暴的市场发展趋势之后,从第二季度开始,市场急转直下,在产品滞销的同时,回款风险持续加大,从业人士叫苦不迭。
Piling machinery industry in 2011 from the second quarter of 2011, the decline in the industry to the construction machinery industry sales have brought a heavy blow, and in the construction machinery products, the most affected is the rotary drilling rig as a leader Pile machinery industry, calling it “hardest hit ” is not an excuse. Some friends use a paragraph to describe the 201 1 pile machinery industry market situation: sitting in the first quarter earn money, lay money in the second quarter, the third quarter ran looking for money, the fourth quarter of kneeling money. After experiencing an unusually hot market trend in the first quarter, the market dipped sharply from the second quarter. As the sales of products went sluggish, the risk of back-payment continued to increase, and practitioners complained bitterly.