20世纪50年代之前,间歇性胎心听诊(intermittent aus-cultation,IA)是产时胎心监护的主要方法。自50年代末至60年代初,胎儿电子监护(electronic fetal monitoring,EFM)进入了研究阶段。最初,这一技术被应用于高危孕妇的产程中,20世纪70年代,在通过随机对照试验证实它的效用之前,EFM在临床上的运用即迅速扩张;到80年代,EFM在欧美等发达
Before the 1950s, intermittent fetal auscultation (IA) was the mainstay of labor during labor. Since the late 1950s and early 1960s, electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) has entered the research phase. Initially, this technique was applied to the labor of high-risk pregnant women. In the 1970s EFM was rapidly expanded in clinical use until confirmed by randomized controlled trials. By the 1980s EFM was developed in Europe and the United States