一、时间选择 玉米肥团料应在玉米播种前 40~ 50天堆制为好,地点多选在种植玉米的田地块头地势较平坦、排灌方便的地方。 二、肥料来源 以充分腐熟的优质农家肥为主,配以适量化学肥料。农家肥适宜用圈肥,化肥以含氮、磷、钾全面的三元复合肥,外加适量锌肥;也可以用?
First, the time to choose Corn fertilizer material should be 40 to 50 days before sowing corn piled as well, more locations in the corn planting plots of the first flat, drainage and irrigation convenience. Second, the source of fertilizer to fully decompose the quality of manure-based, together with the amount of chemical fertilizer. Suitable for manure fertilizer, fertilizer to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium comprehensive ternary compound fertilizer, plus an appropriate amount of zinc fertilizer; can also be used?