《云南化工》于1973年创刊,是国内外公开发行的化学化工综合性科技期刊。刊号:ISSN1004—275X/CN53—1087/TQ,广告经营许可证号5300004000047。本刊是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊,中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊,中国期刊网和中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文收录期刊。2011年7月被美国《化学文摘》(CA),《乌利希期刊指南》(Ulrich′s Peri-odicals Directory)收录。主要栏目:本刊特约、专论综述、科学研究、技术开发、探索应用、分析测试、设备技改、环保节能、经验交流、产
“Yunnan Chemical Industry” was founded in 1973 and is a comprehensive domestic and international chemical chemistry journals. Issue number: ISSN1004-275X / CN53-1087 / TQ, advertising business license number 5300004000047. This publication is the source of Chinese academic journals comprehensive evaluation database, China core journals (selection) database included journals, China Journal Net and Chinese Academic Journal (CD) full-text periodicals. July 2011 by the United States, “Chemical Abstracts” (CA), “Ulrich Guide” (Ulrich’s Peri-odicals Directory) included. Main columns: Articles of special, summary of monographs, scientific research, technology development, exploration and application, analysis and testing, equipment, technological transformation, environmental protection and energy saving, exchange of experience, production