已知,细胞外液容量扩大会导致肾脏排钠增加,但与肾小球泸过率或醛固酮分泌的变化无关。大量证据提示,容量扩大所引起的利钠尿效应是由于内分泌释放“利钠尿激素”(Natriuretic hor-mone,NH)的结果。虽然发表的文章都谈到其
It is known that an increase in extracellular fluid volume leads to an increase in renal sodium excretion, but not to changes in glomerular filtration rate or aldosterone secretion. Numerous evidence suggests that the effect of natriuretic effect due to capacity expansion is the result of endocrine release of Natriuretic hormonal (NH). Although the published articles talked about it