In 1924, Dr. Sun Yat-sen founded Guangdong University in Guangzhou. The Department of Chemistry was one of the earliest faculties founded at that time. In 1926 to commemorate Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the school name was changed to Sun Yat-sen University. During the War of Resistance against Japan, they had moved to Yunjiang Qionglai and Yuebei Pingshi and other places. Although the conditions were extremely tough, they continued to run schools. 1946 moved back to Guangzhou Shipai. In 1952, when the faculties were adjusted, Sun Yat-sen University and Lingnan University and other universities merged to form the basis of the current Department of Chemistry of Sun Yat-sen University and moved from Shipai to Kang Le Yuan (former Ling University site) along the banks of the Pearl River. After the founding of new China, the Department of Chemistry has made great progress. There were very few students in the past. From 1951 to 1952, only 5 graduates (that is, pre-liberation students) each had very little laboratory equipment and only a few