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统计学发展过程中出现过的四次重要的争论。本文围绕着这些争论来展现统计学思想方法发展的历程。国势学与政治算术的争论,明确了统计学的学科性质;描述统计学与推断统计学的争论,建构了统计学的完整体系;经典统计学与贝叶斯统计学争论,带来了新的统计哲学观;信息统计学、经典统计学、贝叶斯统计学之间的争论,推进了统计推断科学化问题的研究。统计学正是通过不同学派之间的争论完善了其想和方法体系。 Four major debates have taken place in the development of statistics. This article revolves around these controversies to demonstrate the development of statistical methodologies. Nationalism and political archetypes debate, clear the nature of the discipline of statistics; description of statistics and inference statistics debate, the construction of a complete statistical system; classic statistics and Bayesian statistics debate, has brought a new Statistical philosophy, information statistics, classical statistics, and Bayesian statistics, which promote the research on the scientific problem of statistical inference. Statistics precisely perfect its thinking and methodological system through the debates among different schools of thought.
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