每逢孙友田走进矿山,总会为矿山留下诗歌的声音。 在徐州电视台灯光辉煌的演播大厅,年过六旬的孙友田,精神饱满,心情激动,用他那浑厚的乡音向煤城的父老乡亲朗诵了他的新作——《最后的煤田》。这首诗是他前些时几度深入徐州天能集团龙固煤矿体验生活后写成的。诗中歌颂了龙固矿八百勇士
Whenever Sun Youtian walked into the mine, he always left a poem for the mine. In the glittering studio hall of Xuzhou Television Station, Sun Youtian, who was over sixty years old, was full of energy and excited. With his vigorous accent, he recite his new work “the Last Coal Field” to the fellow villagers in the city of Coal City. This poem was written a few times earlier in his life experience at Longguang Coal Mine in Xuzhou Tianneng Group. The poem praises eight hundred Dragon Warrior brave