Title: “Three Musketeers” Director: Paul Anderson “Starring: Rogen Lemmerae Jovovich Orlando Bloom Release date: May 15, 2012 (China) Plot introduction: The provinces The aristocratic youth Datang Niang came to Paris to join the King’s Musketeers, met in Paris, the famous three Musketeers - Atos, Bordeaux, Aramis, and because with Cardinal Richelieu The Guards fought bravely and were praised by King Louis XIII. In order to usurp the power of King Louis XIII, Richelieu instigated the Duke of Buckingham in Louis and the United Kingdom in an attempt to provoke a war between the two countries and benefit from it. Through the inserted spy Milady, Louis XIII gave Queen Anne diamond necklace on the Buckingham Duke, in an attempt to blame them for adultery. Anna, who was aware of Richelieu’s tricks, only commissioned Dondanion to retrieve the necklace, and Dadanion, along with his good friend, three musketeers, embarked on a magnificent adventure from Paris to London ... as a Films based on masterpieces usually can not escape the fate of comparison with the original two, and most likely they are not human beings, loyal to the original easy to get without any comment; subversion of the original will lead to defaming the famous infamy. To really get praise is not easy. The ”Three Musketeers“ has been adapted into a movie several times in the history of film, so that it does have the value and significance of being adapted; and secondly, it has so far failed to render it perfectly in a ”pen" . This time to bring us a new attempt is director Paul Anderson.