杨树是我县造林和四旁植树的主栽树种之一.1976年我场从南京、北京、泗阳县、丰县等地引进了杨树无性系四十八种进行育苗对比试验.根据苗期表现,1978年从中选择了十四个品种作沙地造林试验,现据观测初报如下:一、供试品种与立地条件(一)供试品种 杨树无性系十四个品种均系我场引进繁殖培育的壮苗,除日本白杨是当年生苗外,其余都是二年根一年干的大苗.苗高平均4.31米,胸径平均3.1厘米.(二)试验地概况 试验地设在沛县苗圃场部北,面积9亩.位于东经116°42′,北纬34°35′,海拔高40米.土壤系黄河泛滥形成的冲积平原,为荒沙弃耕地,质地很差,土层深厚但很瘠薄.地下水位1.5米以下.
Poplar is one of the main tree species afforestation and tree planting around the county in 1976. In 1976, we introduced forty-eight poplar clones from Nanjing, Beijing, Siyang County and Fengxian County to carry out comparative experiments on seedling development.According to the seedling stage, Fourteen cultivars were selected for sandy land afforestation experiment in 1978, the first report of the observation was as follows: I. Varieties and Site Conditions for Testing (I) The cultivars of fourteen varieties of poplar clones were introduced into my field Breeding strong seedlings, in addition to the Japanese poplar is the year of seedlings, the rest are two years a year dry seedlings. Seedling average 4.31 meters, average 3.1 cm in diameter. (2) The general situation of experimental sites located in Peixian nursery Field North, an area of 9 acres. Located at longitude 116 ° 42 ’longitude, latitude 34 ° 35’, 40 meters above sea level. The Yellow River floodplain formed alluvial plain, abandoned farmland, poor quality, deep soil, but very Barren. Groundwater level below 1.5 meters.