【摘 要】
泛音(Hormoics) 泛音是一种音高很高、音色很空很亮的声音。它是靠左手指在弦上虚虚地触弦(不按到指板上)时奏出的,他要求按指位置很准确,如不准就发不出泛音。演奏时弓靠近
泛音(Hormoics) 泛音是一种音高很高、音色很空很亮的声音。它是靠左手指在弦上虚虚地触弦(不按到指板上)时奏出的,他要求按指位置很准确,如不准就发不出泛音。演奏时弓靠近马子,增加弓速能发出较亮的声音。泛音在谱上的标记有两种。一种在音符上方标○,与空弦的标记相似。如: 实际音高等于
Hormoics An overtone is a very loud, very loud sound. It is played by the left finger when the string touches the string (not pressed to the fingerboard), he requests the finger position is very accurate, if not allowed to send no overtone. When playing bow close to the horse, increase bow speed can make a louder sound. There are two overtones in the spectrum. A mark above the note, similar to the mark of an empty string. Such as: the actual pitch is equal to
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