There have been many reports in the past that several leukemia cases were found in a fairly short period of time and in a limited area. However, this individual area can not yet be considered as evidence of leukemia in areas and time gathering, because it may be the result of uneven distribution of leukemia, it may be the result of the subjective choice of regions and time boundaries. Therefore, in order to study the aggregation tendency in the development of leukemia, some special statistical analysis methods have been applied in recent years. This paper reports the results of a statistical analysis of a total of 205 leukemias and other hematopoietic tissue hyperplasias in seven regions of northern Lithuania from 1963 to 1970. The average annual rural population of 241,000 in the area covers an area of about 10,000 square kilometers. Statistical analysis is based on the case may be paired in many cases to determine the region and the time interval. Authors’ statistical analyzes demonstrate that leukemia and other hematopoietic tissues