Laminar Forced Convection in Curved Channel with Vortex Structures

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfei871010
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Theoretical and experimental investigations of heat transfer in flat curvilinear channel have been carried out. Linear and non-linear effects of Dean vortexes on intensity of heat transfer were taken into account. The linear effect, which describe harmonic (sinuous) variation of the heat transfer coefficient near the concave surface of the channel and the non-linear effect causes the general increase of the heat transfer coefficient due to augmentation of heat transfer engendered by the Dean vortexes. For both effects, mathematical relations were obtained in the form of quadratures. These numerical results were modified to the form convenient in engineering calculations. The investigations have shown that both linear and nonlinear components grow up with the Dean number. Nonlinear component Q0T increases more abruptly, while the linear one Q1T is more conservative. This is a confirmation of stability of vortex structures. Theoretical and experimental investigations of heat transfer in flat curvilinear channels have been carried out. Linear effect of heat transfer coefficient near the concave surface of the channel and the non-linear effect causes the general increase of the heat transfer coefficient due to augmentation of heat transfer engendered by the Dean vortexes. For both effects, mathematical relations were obtained in the form of quadratures. These numerical results were modified to the form convenient in engineering calculations. The investigations have shown both both linear and nonlinear components grow up with the Dean number. Nonlinear component Q0T increases more abruptly, while the linear one Q1T is more conservative. This is a confirmation of stability of vortex structures.
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