
来源 :浙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyydn
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浙江宾馆位于风景秀丽的西子湖畔,青山环抱着宾馆300亩的庭园,环境优美,被誉为西子湖畔的“花园宾馆”。近几年来,浙江宾馆凭借优美的自然环境,明确市场定位,抓服务质量提高接待水平,开展具有鲜明经营特色的“四季”系列促销活动,抓硬件改造提高接待档次,扩大经营规 Zhejiang Hotel is located in the scenic West Lake, Castle Peak surrounded by a 300-acre hotel grounds garden, a beautiful environment, known as the West Lake “Garden Hotel ”. In recent years, Zhejiang Hotel with a beautiful natural environment, a clear market positioning, grasping the quality of services to enhance the reception level, with distinctive operating characteristics of the “Four Seasons” series of promotional activities, grasping the hardware upgrade to enhance the quality of reception, to expand business rules