邮发代号2-693 CN11-4912/V ISSN1672-0989《航空维修与工程》全面及时地报道与航空工程、维修领域相关的信息动态、技术应用和科研成果;既注重理论研究,也关注工程实践,同时兼顾运营管理,是一个专业化的信息平台。是国内唯一一本国内外公开发行的航空维修工程类期刊。本刊为16开本,全彩精印,全年12期每期30元,全年360元。扫二维码关注我们,订阅本刊即可获精美飞机挂件一个。
Mailing Code 2-693 CN11-4912 / V ISSN1672-0989 Aeronautic Maintenance and Engineering Fully and timely reporting of information related to aeronautic engineering and maintenance fields, application of technology and achievements in scientific research; paying attention not only to theoretical research but also to engineering practice , Taking into account the operation and management, is a specialized information platform. Is the only one domestic and international public offering of aviation maintenance engineering journals. This publication is 16 copies, full-color printing, the annual 12 period of 30 yuan each, 360 yuan throughout the year. Scan QR code to follow us and subscribe to our newsletter to receive a beautiful airplane pendant.