2007年、2008年和2010年,广东检验检疫技术中心分别3次从来自迪拜、也门旅客携带的大蒜和荷兰进境的郁金香种球中截获检疫性有害生物——鳞球茎茎线虫(Ditylenchus dipsaci(K(u|¨)hn,1857)Filipjev,1936)。对上述线虫进行了形态观察、测量,并对后两者的28S-D2D3的序列进行了扩增、克隆、测序,与Ditylenchus dipsaci(FJ707360-363)的同源性达99%。其中从荷兰进境的郁金香种球中截获鳞球茎茎线虫为系统内首次从贸易产品中检出,国家质检总局向荷方进行了通报,并发布《关于荷兰郁金香种球传带鳞球茎茎线虫的警示通报》。
In 2007, 2008 and 2010, the Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Technical Center intercepted three quarantine pests, Ditylenchus dipsaci (Dominant), from the garlic from Dubai, Yemen and the tulip bulbs entering the Netherlands, respectively. K (u | ¨) hn, 1857) Filipjev, 1936). Morphological observation and measurement of the above-mentioned nematodes were carried out. The 28S-D2D3 sequences of the latter two were amplified, cloned and sequenced. The homology with Ditylenchus dipsaci (FJ707360-363) was 99%. Among them, the tulip bulbs caught in the Netherlands intercepted D. dipsaci for the first time in the system from the trade products. The AQSIQ informed the Dutch side and released the “Bulletin on the Netherlands Tulip Bulb Conveyor Scales Nematode warning notification. ”