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乒乓球比赛中先变线是技战术变化的重要体现,目前对于乒乓球技战术的研究主要集中在接抢段、发抢段、相持段等三段式相关指标上,尚未发现先变线的系统研究。应用北京体育大学蒋家珍博士研究的《乒乓球比赛数字编码技术与技战术统计分析系统》,对李晓霞、丁宁、刘诗雯在2009—2012年间共30场比赛进行录像观察分析,在所获得的135 470项有关击球站位、击球技术、击球落点、击球效果、击球线路等技术数据的基础上,从先变线的角度进行研究,结果表明:刘诗雯在接抢与发抢阶段、台内球与近台反手位的先变线的得分率较高,但在相持阶段、中区的球先变线的效果相对较差;李晓霞在3名选手中先变线比率最低,先变线效果也最差,她的先变线主要在发抢阶段;丁宁倾向于接抢阶段先变线,在接抢与发抢阶段先变线的得分效果比刘诗雯略差。 The first change in the table tennis competition is an important manifestation of changes in technology and tactics. At present, the research on table tennis techniques and tactics mainly focuses on the three-stage related indicators such as grabbing, grabbing and stubbing, the study. According to the “Table Tennis Match Digital Coding Technique and Tactical Statistics Statistical Analysis System” researched by Dr. Jiang Jiazhen of Beijing Sport University, Li Xiaoxia, Ding Ning, and Liu Shiwen conducted video observation and analysis in 30 games from 2009 to 2012. Among the 135 470 items Based on the technical data of batting, batting, batting, batting, batting and other technical data, the paper studied from the perspective of foreline change, the results show that: Liu Shiwen grab and grab the stage, Taiwan ball and the anti-bit near the front of the proactive line score higher, but in the stalemate phase, the first ball in the Central District, the effect of change is relatively poor; Li Xiaoxia among the three players in the lowest ratio of the first change, first change Line effect is also the worst, her first change line is mainly in the hair grab stage; Ding Ning tend to grab the first stage before the change line, grab and grab the first stage of the line change score effect is slightly worse than Liu Wen.
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