孕妇有下列情形之一的,医师应当对其进行产前诊断: (1)羊水过多或过少的; (2)胎儿发育异常或者胎儿有可疑畸形的; (3)孕早期接触过可能导致胎儿先天缺陷的物质的; (4)有遗传病家族史或者曾经分娩过先天性严重缺陷婴儿的; (5)初产妇年龄超过35周岁的。
Pregnant women should have prenatal diagnosis of one of the following conditions: (1) polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios; (2) abnormal fetal development or fetal malformations; (3) early exposure in early pregnancy may result in (4) have a family history of genetic disease or have had a congenital severe defect in infants; (5) primiparous age over 35 years of age.