通过在枝化苯胺-吡咯啉发色团接入具有π-π作用的葸官能团,设计并合成了一种可用于二阶非线性光学材料的新型树枝状玻璃分子发色团ETO和ETF.所得到的分子玻璃发色团具有良好的自成膜性能,其玻璃化温度测得分别为41℃(ETO)和39℃(ETF),用SHG法测得薄膜的非线性电光系数(d33)分别为38,32 pm/V.结果表明,发色团玻璃具备了有机电光材料所需要的性能,并且其性能有很大的改进空间.“,”Two kinds of novel molecular glasses based on self-assembly dendritic chromophores are designed and synthesized as second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) materials,which named ETO and ETF.The chromophore glasses ETO and ETF showed excellent film-forming ability by themselves.Their glass transition temperatures (Tg) were determined at 41 C and 39 C,respectively.The in-situ second harmonic generation (SHG) measurement revealed the resonant second-order NLO coefficient ( d33 ) values of 38 and 32 pm/V for the poled films of ETO and ETF,respectively.The results indicate molecular glasses provide a new possible way different from the conventional polymer approach to prepare second-order NLO materials.