南京市民郭先生今年5月26日骑摩托车去月苑小区,在网板路上跟着一辆大客车行驶时,突然发现前面有一大坑,想避开时已来不及,结果连人带车摔了下去。车子摔坏了,人受了伤。可当他欲为自己讨个说法时,却遭遇有关部门的推诿。 走路一瘸一拐的郭先生向记者指认了他多处损毁的摩托车,并告诉记者,让他摔跤的罪魁祸首就是路上下陷约20厘米的窨井盖。记者数了一下,这条长不过500米的马路坑坑洼洼的地方很多,下陷的窨井就有3个。行驶车辆不得不左右绕行,实在绕不过去只得减速慢行。而骑车的人更是小心翼翼。附近的居民说,这条路最起码有一年没有人管,几乎天天有人
Nanjing citizens on May 26 this year, riding a motorcycle to the Court Court area, along with a bus in the road network board, suddenly found in front of a pit, want to avoid it was too late, with the result even with a car fell Go down. The car broke, people were injured. But when he wants to find his own argument, but encountered the push of the relevant departments. Mr. Li, who was limping on the walk, told reporters that he had identified several motorcycles damaged by him and told reporters that the chief culprit in his wrestling was the manhole cover which was about 20 cm in height. A few reporters, this 500 meters long but there are many bumpy places, there are three sunken subsidence. Traveling around the vehicle had to bypass, it is only around the slow down. The bike is more cautious people. Residents near say that this road is at least one year no one tube, almost every day