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诉讼服务是连接人民法院与人民群众的重要桥梁。当前,“诉讼难”“诉讼累”特别是“异地诉讼难”“异地诉讼累”长期困扰着人民法院的诉讼服务。泉州法院于2015年1月首创“跨域·连锁·直通”式诉讼服务平台,打破传统的思维定式,以重构诉讼流程新模式、再造诉讼服务新格局为先导,以司法亲历性为本,以信息化建设为辅,创建“家门口打官司”的诉讼新模式和“跨地域服务”的诉讼服务新格局,打造可复制、可推广的“泉州式诉讼”模式。 Litigation service is an important bridge connecting the people’s court and people’s court. At present, “litigation difficult ” “litigation ” especially “remote litigation difficult ” “off-site litigation ” long plagued the people’s court litigation services. In January 2015, Quanzhou County Court initiated the “cross-border, chain-like and straight-through” litigation service platform, breaking the traditional mode of thinking and reforming the new mode of litigation process, reengineering a new pattern of litigation service and taking judicial experience as This information-based construction, supplemented by the creation of a new pattern of litigation “litigation ” and “cross-territorial services ” litigation service new pattern, to create replicable and promote mode.
2009年5月13至15日,由国防科工局、中航工业、山西省国防科工办组成的专家审查组对221厂《武器装备科研生产许可证延续申请书》申报项目的科研生产能力进行了现场审查。 Fro