患者男,42岁。因发现左腘窝后方肿物伴左膝活动受限3周入院。无明显诱因,未采取治疗诊疗。患者3周前发现左膝关节后方有一肿物,活动时伴酸痛,卧床休息后疼痛减轻,1周前再次出现酸痛,行走时加重,休息时症状缓解。左膝伸膝位时皮下可触及-4.0 cm×2.0 cm软组织包块,质硬,与皮肤无粘连,活动度差,局部皮温不高,表面皮肤无红肿破溃等,膝关节屈伸活动接近正
Male patient, 42 years old. Left anterior popliteal fossa found with left knee activity limited to 3 weeks after admission. No obvious incentive, did not take treatment. The patient found a tumor in the back of the left knee joint 3 weeks ago, with soreness during activity, reduced pain after bed rest, soreness again after 1 week, exacerbation when walking, and remission at rest. The left knee extensor knee site can reach -4.0 cm × 2.0 cm soft tissue mass, hard, no adhesion with the skin, poor mobility, local skin temperature is not high, the surface of the skin without swelling and ulceration, knee flexion and extension activities close to positive