第二次鸦片战争初期,叶名琛任两广总督,兼任对外交涉事务的钦差大臣。一八五八年一月五日英法联军侵占广州时被英国侵略军俘虏,后来被送到印度的加尔各答,一年后客死在那里。时名琛的悲剧结局,在当时被讥为“不战不和不守,不死不降不走”,嗣后,这“六不”成为评论叶名琛之根据,或以“六不”定论为妥协投降。然而,造成叶名琛悲剧的原因是什么?叶名琛本人在这个悲剧中应负什么责任?叶名琛到底算不算妥协投降?弄清这些问题,对研究第二次鸦片战争和叶名琛这个人物,给历史人物以适当评价,我们认为是很有必要的。为此,愿作初步的探讨,以就教于同志。 一 第二次鸦片战争的失败和叶名琛的悲剧,是清政府当时的对外方针造成的。早在第一次鸦片战争中,清朝道光皇帝制定的
In the early days of the Second Opium War, Ye Mingchen became governor of both Guangdong and Guangxi and served as minister for foreign affairs. On January 5, 1858, the Anglo-French forces were captured by the British Aggression Forces when they invaded Canton. They were later sent to Calcutta, India, where they died a year later. At the time, Chen’s tragic ending was ridiculed as “no war on the basis of non-conformity and indecision,” and later on, “the six noes” as the basis for commencing a review of Ye Mingchen or the compromise of “six noes” . However, what caused the tragedy of Ye Ming-chen? What is the responsibility of Ye Ming-chen in this tragedy? In the end, did Ye Ming-chen consider whether to compromise or surrender? To clarify these issues, to study the second opium war and Ye Mingchen, Appropriate evaluation, we think it is necessary. To this end, is willing to make a preliminary discussion, to teach to comrades. The failure of the Second Opium War and Ye Mingchen’s tragedy were caused by the then foreign policy of the Qing government. As early as the first Opium War, Qing Emperor Daoguang enacted