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<正> 过去对李开芳一致认为是太平天国革命英雄,近来有人说他"在最后关头,主动去投降清军",是叛徒.我认为这个结论值得商榷.第一,从李开芳被围、被俘到被杀的表现看,其出降是迫不得己,不是真降.咸丰三(1853)年十月,李开芳与林凤祥率领北伐军孤军深入打到天津,由于粮草不济,衣药缺乏,加上时值严寒,地处平原等不利条件,在清军强大攻击下,被迫南撤.咸丰四(1854)年三月,退到东光县连镇待援,四月商定分兵:林凤祥率主力据守连镇,李开芳率六百余骑南下迎接援军.李接受任务后,出敌不意,以迅雷不及掩耳
[Objective]The study aimed to discuss the feasibility and optimal conditions of removing ammonia nitrogen by using microwave coupled with active carbon. [Method
[Objective] The aim was to study the characteristics of the spatial structural patterns and temporal variability of annual precipitation in Ningxia.[Method] Usi
[Objective] The study aimed to analyze the harmonious development of economy in Niyang River basin under environmental constraint.[Method] According to the prin
[Objective]The research aimed to study control scheme for nonpoint source pollution in Dahe Reservoir water source protection area of Dianchi Lake basin. [Metho
[Objective] The aim was to study the influence of filamentous algae on the process of water ecological purification.[Method] The occurrence mechanism of filamen
<正> 科学社会主义的发展史,也是科学社会主义再认识的历史。当前我国进行的改革,是社会主义历史上的一次伟大革命。在生动的社会主义实践不断丰厚、不断深入的情况下,对社会主义进行全面的再认识,成为科学社会主义发展的一项重要任务。1986年4月16日至18日在济宁召开的山东省科学社会主义学会第三次代表大会,围绕着改革与社会主义的再认识这样一个主题,进行了认真、深入和热烈的讨论。讨论相对集中在以下几个问题上:
[Objective] The research aimed to analyze the variation characteristics of sunshine hours in Puyang City in recent 51 years.[Method] Based on the monthly sunshi
[Objective] The twice regional rainstorms in northwest Yantai in July in 2009 and July in 2010 were expounded.[Method] The twice regional rainstorm in northwest