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1968年美国致力于促进教育处境不利的儿童接受平等教育的《双语教育法》颁布,公立学校逐渐实施了多种以接受和尊重语言多元化为愿景的双语教学模式,这对英语能力有限的学生的语言学习和学业成绩的长远发展起到了积极的促进作用。2002年生效的《英语习得法》明确了帮助英语学习者迅速习得英语和提高学业成绩的目标,改变了以往采用不同教学模式教授英语学习者的规定。今年恰逢新法案实施十年,英语学习者的英语习得和学业成绩虽有所改观,但与主流学生仍有较大差距。我国政府决策部门有必要借鉴美国语言教育政策的成功经验和失败教训,从国家安全和经济发展的战略高度,合理规划外语教育,制定切实可行的外语教育政策。 In 1968, the United States promulgated the “Bilingual Education Law”, which aims at promoting disadvantaged children in education and received equal education. Public schools have gradually implemented bilingual teaching modes with a vision of accepting and respecting linguistic diversity. This is true for students with limited English proficiency Language learning and academic achievements in the long-term development has played a positive role in promoting. The Law on English Acquisition, which came into effect in 2002, defined the goal of helping English learners to acquire English quickly and improve their academic performance, and changed the rules of teaching English learners with different teaching modes in the past. This year coincides with the implementation of the new act for 10 years. Although English learners’ English acquisition and academic achievement have changed, there is still a long way to go to mainstream students. It is necessary for the government decision-making departments in our country to draw lessons from the successful experience and failure lessons of the U.S. language education policy. From the strategic height of national security and economic development, it is necessary to rationally plan the foreign language education and formulate practical foreign language education policies.
在小学实验教学中,如何落实教学大纲提出的“注重指导学生学会自行获取知识”的教学要求,促使学生积极主动地学习,培养创新精神呢?教改实验表明,启发引导学生自行设计简单的实验,让学生亲自参加创造性的观察实验活动,是一个行之有效的途径和方法。  一、对传统实验教学模式的反思  观察和实验是人类认识自然的基本途径,也是实验教学的主要方法之一。然而,由于受到传统教育思想的影响,一些教师常将对提高学生素质起重要