A method of generating normalized Zernike basis in a square region is provided. Based on the Gram-Schimdt orthogonal group construction method of linear unrelated group, the standard Zernike polynomials are orthogonalized according to the related concepts of linear algebraic inner product, Euclidean space, orthogonality and norm, and a new set of new Orthogonal Polynomials - Z-square polynomials. Using this orthogonal basis, the wavefront mode fitting in the square region can be realized. It can not only represent the wavefront directly from the set of Z-square modes, but also represent the wave front by linear inverse transform. The linear combination of Zernike modes makes the decomposed wavefront modes have a clear correspondence with the aberrations. Experiments show that it can not only effectively fit the wavefront aberration function in the lens design, but also fit the actual phase data obtained from the Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor test.