我院于1980年发现二例较大胎盘血管瘤。兹报告如下: 例1 刘××,31岁,被服工人,住院号16037。于1980年10月17日以妊娠35周,无痛性阴道流血之主诉入院。孕早期反应较重,孕5个月后腹部增大迅速。门诊疑“羊水过多症”入院前五天过劳后阴道流血(少于月经量)无腰腹痛。服“保胎丸”不见好转而急诊入院。既往健康;否认家族遗传疾病史及毒性药品接触史。月经史正常。查体:一般状况正常。腹围93厘米,宫高33厘米,胎位不甚清楚,胎心140次/分。化验:AFP及E/C值均正常;血尿常规正常。
Two cases of large placental hemangioma were found in our hospital in 1980. We hereby report as follows: Example 1 Liu XX, aged 31, served a worker and hospital number 16037. October 17, 1980 to 35 weeks of pregnancy, painless vaginal bleeding in the main complaint. Heavy reaction in early pregnancy, pregnant 5 months after the abdomen increased rapidly. Outpatient suspected “polyhydramnios” five days before admission after labor vaginal bleeding (less than menstrual flow) without abdominal pain. Uniforms “baby pill” did not improve and emergency admission. Past health; deny family history of genetic disease and toxic drug exposure history. Menstrual history is normal. Physical examination: normal condition. Abdominal circumference 93 cm, 33 cm high, the fetal position is not clear, fetal heart rate 140 beats / min. Laboratory tests: AFP and E / C values were normal; normal hematuria.