叙事学发展的最新倾向是从语言学模式向交流模式(communication model)转移,这种转移起因于使用现代语言学方法的文学批评家企图象科学地研究语言那样,对叙事结构给予严格的科学描述,但他们很快发现这样做难乎其难,因为在语言学中,可以说一个句子符合语法或不合语法,可以通过语法分析和语义分析指出一个句子的语法正误。在影视叙事和文学叙事中,我们没有这样一个科学的、严格的、可以用来衡量一切、限定一切、纠正一切的统一法则,总结不出标准的,能够涵盖一切故事的叙事模式,定不出测定一切的叙事标准和规则;因
The most recent tendency in the development of narratology is to shift from the linguistic model to the communication model that has arisen from the fact that literary critics who use modern linguistic methods attempt to scientifically describe narrative structures as scientifically , They soon found it harder to do so because in linguistics one can say that a sentence is grammatical or not grammatical and can indicate the grammatical correctness of a sentence through grammatical analysis and semantic analysis. In film and television narratives and literary narratives, we do not have such a scientific and strict uniform law that can be used to measure everything, limit everything and correct everything. We can not conclude a standard narrative model that can cover all stories and can not be determined Determination of all the narrative standards and rules;