党史工作具有资政的社会功能。新的历史时期,在改革开放的形势下,党史工作者责无旁贷地要强化党史资政功能,为各级党政领导及全社会提供咨询与服务。只有这样,党史工作才会充满生机和活力。强化党史工作的资政功能,必须从以下三个方面作出努力: 一是抓住重大决策进行研究和总结。重大决策常常体现在具有战略意义的重大问题上;有些问题历史上还往往出现过争议,要求党史工作者进行认真的研究,找出规律性的东西,为决策服务。如作为内陆省会城市的合肥,市委、市政府提出了“开
The history of the party has the social function of funding. In the new historical period, under the situation of reform and opening up, the Party history workers should not hesitate to strengthen the function of capital history and politics, and provide advice and services to party and government leaders at all levels and the whole society. Only in this way, the party history will be full of vitality and vitality. To strengthen the capital and political functions in the work of the history of the party, we must make efforts in the following three aspects: First, we must seize major decisions and conduct research and conclusion. Major decisions are often reflected in major issues of strategic importance. In some issues, disputes often occur in history. Party history workers are required to conduct earnest studies, find out regularities and serve decision-making. As Hefei, an inland provincial capital city, the municipal government put forward "open