患者,王某,男,52a。因服用牛黄解毒片4片(吉林制药厂,批号910642)后10min 出现气短,呼吸困难,大汗,并逐步加重,继之烦燥不安,发病5min 急诊来院。查体:血压8.0/4.0kPa,极度呼吸困难,呼吸36次/min,口唇青紫,面色苍白,双肺可闻及广泛的哮鸣音,心率140次/min,腹软.肝、脾未触及,双下肢无浮肿。住院2min 出现意识朦胧,继之出现呼吸停止。
Patient, Wang, male, 52a. Due to taking bezoar detoxification tablets 4 (Jilin Pharmaceutical Factory, lot number 910642) 10min after shortness of breath, dyspnea, sweating, and gradually increased, followed by irritability, the incidence of 5min emergency room. Examination: blood pressure 8.0 / 4.0kPa, extreme difficulty breathing, breathing 36 beats / min, lips bruising, pale, lungs can be heard and a wide range of wheeze, heart rate 140 beats / min, abdominal soft liver and spleen not touched , No swelling of both lower extremities. 2min ambiguity in hospital appeared, followed by breathing stopped.