甲状腺机能亢进(简称甲亢),是一种内分泌常见疾病,女性多于男性。发病多在青、壮年期,妊娠期,闭经期。地方性弥漫性甲状腺肿、结节性甲状腺肿伴甲亢也多见。近年随着我国食盐加碘、碘制剂的使用,高碘性甲亢病例亦增多。作者在临床治疗1例因口服大量碘化钾制剂引起甲状腺机能亢进。 病例:患者李××,女,39岁,内蒙古自治区突泉县卫生防疫站。第1次就诊是1995年7月24日,患者主诉甲状腺肿大、饥饿、易怒,心慌达7年余。查体:血压(BP)144/102mmHg,脉搏(p)66次/分,体温(t)37℃。颈部右侧甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大、质地硬、有结节、表面不光滑、无压痛、无血管杂音。心音正常,心率86次/分,其它方面未见异常。实验室检查:T_31.54nmo1/L,T_4209nmol/L、吸碘率13.4%(2h)。临床确诊为地方性结节性甲状腺肿。医嘱:补充适量碘。
Hyperthyroidism (referred to as hyperthyroidism), is a common endocrine disease, more women than men. Mostly in the youth, maternal age, pregnancy, amenorrhea. Local diffuse goiter, nodular goiter with hyperthyroidism are more common. In recent years, as China’s salt iodine, iodine agents, iodine hyperthyroidism cases also increased. The authors in clinical treatment of a case of large doses of potassium iodide caused by hyperthyroidism. Case: Patient Lee × ×, female, 39 years old, Tuquan County Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The first visit was July 24, 1995, patients complained of goiter, hunger, irritability, palpitation of more than seven years. Examination: blood pressure (BP) 144 / 102mmHg, pulse (p) 66 beats / min, body temperature (t) 37 ℃. Right thyroid enlargement of the second degree of the neck, hard texture, nodules, the surface is not smooth, no tenderness, no vascular murmur. Heart sounds normal, heart rate 86 beats / min, no abnormalities in other areas. Laboratory tests: T_31.54nmo1 / L, T_4209nmol / L, iodine absorption rate of 13.4% (2h). Clinical diagnosis of endemic nodular goiter. Doctor’s advice: add appropriate amount of iodine.